01. Personal Details |
First Name: |
Middle Name: |
Surname: |
Date of Birth (mmm-dd-yyyy): |
Gender: |
02. Permanent Address Details |
House No: |
Landmark/Locality: |
City/Village: |
District: |
State: |
Pin Code: |
03. Mailing Address Details |
Check if same as above: |
House No: |
Landmark/Locality: |
City/Village: |
District: |
State: |
Pin Code: |
04. Contact Information Details (applicant will be contacted using the following information) |
Full Name: |
Phone Number: |
E-mail: |
05. Legal Guardian Details |
*If father deceased, then mother's name. If both deceased, then legal guardian name is required. |
First Name: |
Surname: |
Occupation: |
06. Other Family Member Details |
Fill out the following for the other family members in the household: (Type in NA wherever it is not applicable) |
1. Full Name: |
Occupation: |
Relationship: |
2. Full Name: |
Occupation: |
Relationship: |
3. Full Name: |
Occupation: |
Relationship: |
4. Full Name: |
Occupation: |
Relationship: |
5. Full Name: |
Occupation: |
Relationship: |
6. Full Name: |
Occupation: |
Relationship: |
Total number of family members in household: |
Annual Household Income (after taxes) in Rupees: |
07. Past Academic Details |
10th Grade (Secondary School) |
Marks (in % only): |
Year of Passing: |
Board: |
Check if marks are in GPA/CGPA: |
Institution Name: |
City/Village: |
District: |
State & Pincode: |
Name of Principal: |
Phone No: |
12th Grade (Higher Secondary School) |
Check if the result is awaited: |
Marks in % only: |
Year of Passing: |
Board: |
Check if marks are in GPA/CGPA: |
Institution Name: |
City/Village: |
District: |
State & Pincode: |
Name of Principal: |
Phone No: |
08. Current Academic Details |
Current Status: |
Course Name: |
Institution Name: |
City/Village: |
District: |
State & Pincode: |
Name of Principal: |
Phone No: |
09. Estimated Annual Expense Details (in Rupees) |
Admission Fees: |
Tuition Fees: |
Book Expenses: |
Lodging Expenses: |
Food Expenses: |
Other Expenses: |
Total Expenses: |
10. Other Details |
I come from a very poor family. I have tried very hard to ensure that I attend school regularly and never miss any classes.
However, college education is very expensive and I am not able to bear it. My brother is the only breadwinner in the family
and he has given up his education to help me continue my studies. I lost my father when I was 3 years old and my mother took
on the responsibility of raising seven children. Although it is very hard on her, she has never shown the strain and have not
allowed us to feel the difficulty she has been going through. I have been very diligent with my studies and have managed to
secure very good marks in my matriculation examination securing letter marks in 4 subjects. I secured the very high marks in
Assamese and missed the highest marks by a few points. I am very interested in writing poems and short stories. I have been
the editor of my college and school magazine and wall papers. I have regularly participated in essay and story writing
competitions and have managed to secure multiple awards namely Kanaklata Memorial Award for best story 3 years in a row in
my school, Radha Gobinda Barua Memorial award for Best Assamese Poetry by a writer under the age of 18, etc. I would like to
continue my studies in a well-known college in Guwahati so that I am able to create opportunities for me and secure a good
education to earn a job and be a source of income and support for my family. I feel, I am a student that is truly deserving
of this scholarship.
I aspire to be an IAS officer and an able administrator for my country. I believe our country does not produce enough good
administrators with good ethics and morality. Cultural changes need to be brought to our country and I believe that the
administrators are in the best position to make those changes. I would like the opportunity to go for my goal and my family's
financial situation is keeping me from devoting the necessary time on my education. I believe I have the capability to work
hard and be focused and with some help from charitable foundations like yours, I feel I can make it. My extracurricular
activities in addition to my academic results show that I am capable to reaching my goal. Once I complete my undergraduate
degree, I would like to apply for a job and start to prepare for the administrative services examinations in parallel.
I need a little help from you and I believe I am truly deserving of the scholarship your foundation is offering.
1. Why do you believe you are deserving of this scholarship? (Minimum 200 words) Sample Answer |
2. What do you aspire to be? (Minimum 100 words) Sample Answer |
3. Please indicate if you are receiving any other scholarship(s) at this time. (Give details in few words) |
11. Reference Details (You can add the name of the Head of Department and/or the Principal of your Higher Secondary College here) |
1. Full Name: |
Phone No: |
Occupation: |
2. Full Name: |
Phone No: |
Occupation: |
I hereby declare that the information I have provided in this form is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
If I am found eligible for a scholarship, I undertake to provide additional supporting documents, as required.
I would be grateful if you could advise me on the next steps.